We tend to sacrifice things we like and cancel activities we enjoy in fear of being criticized, or humiliated. We feel penitent both for standing up for the things we believe in and for failing to do so. We mar our own desires and the society routs our goals and dreams. And in our deathbeds, we get overwhelmed with the contrition of everything we were too scared to do and every word we were too scared to say.
Do what you love and live according to your principles. Don't live your life drowning in your regrets. Say 'I love you' to your parents, say 'Thank you' to your teachers, say 'We have so much in common, we should be friends' to the person in front of you in the movie theater line who buys a ticket to the same movie as you. Recommend an independent book, blast your favorite jug band's latest song, mix your coffee with sparkling water. The norm is dull. The exceptions are limitless. Be an exception.
Lots of soda caps,
Do what you love and live according to your principles. Don't live your life drowning in your regrets. Say 'I love you' to your parents, say 'Thank you' to your teachers, say 'We have so much in common, we should be friends' to the person in front of you in the movie theater line who buys a ticket to the same movie as you. Recommend an independent book, blast your favorite jug band's latest song, mix your coffee with sparkling water. The norm is dull. The exceptions are limitless. Be an exception.
Lots of soda caps,