in the belly of the fish

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Boston Bigots

First off, I am deeply saddened by the tragic bombings in Boston. This week has been filled with horrible events, and I don't know which direction humankind is headed for, but it sure doesn't look bright.

While the people who are suffering from injuries, both minor and major, and the three families who lost a member mourn, the majority of the rest of the world is speculating that the bomber may be Muslim. A small percentage of people are helping, donating blood, volunteering at hospitals and trying to restore collective faith in humanity, but for me, it is done. I am done. I am done with the world, and its inhabitants.

Whenever something wrong happens, everyone blames the Muslims. It must have been the Muslims. Who else could do such a horrible thing? And that stupid stereotype invades people's privacy and goes unnoticed. Police officers see Saudi man running away, he is bruised, and hurting, but he is darker skinned, he is running away, and he definitely must be a suspect. What's your name? Oh, you are Muslim..all the more likely. We will search your house, although we don't have a warrant and you can't do anything.

People disgust me. Period. Today I heard on the radio, two other suspects were found, one is under custody. Guess what? The country they come from from is majorly Muslim. I am beginning to think, if something happens, and in no way it is related to Muslims, people will still find a way to relate it no matter how improbable and how ridiculous.

"Oh yeah, that American kid who shot people at an elementary school, had a cat. The cat was transported from France. There is a bakery in France that served its owner. Once, a Muslim came into the bakery and drunk coffee. So it must be that Muslim's fault because obviously he planted a mind-controlling chip on the cat-owner who unknowingly transferred it to his cat, who then rubbed off to the American kid. Yes, the fault belongs to the Muslims."

-Lots of deerstalkers,